Black Gangs in Los Angeles from the 1920s, Brik Boy Crips (BBC) in Northside Long Beach, Rollin 20s Crips on the Eastside of Long Beach, Crip Gangs in Willowbrook, Unincorporated Los Angeles County, Crip Gangs in Florence, Unincorporated Los Angeles County, Rollin 100s Crip Alliance in South Los Angeles, 102 Ten Deuce Raymond Avenue Crips in Inglewood, Transcript of Tony Sims statement made to police March 23, 1979, Partial Transcript from Tony Sims testimony during his murder trial, April 14, 1981, Hoover Crips alliance and history in Los Angeles, Parc Village Compton Crips | Wilmington Arms Apartments, Original Corner Poccet Hood Compton Crips, Blood Gangs in Athens, Unincorporated Los Angeles County, Cross Atlantic Pirus (Eastside Compton / Lynwood), Elm Street Pirus on the Eastside of Compton, Leuders Park Pirus | LPP | Eastside Compton Pirus, Village Town Piru / Ujima Village Piru in Willowbrook adjacent to Compton, Avenue Piru Gang (APG) in Inglewood, California, Crenshaw Mafia Gangster, CMG in Inglewood, CA, Allhood Publications Magazine, Issue #5 | Crips Founder Raymond Washington, Allhood Publications Magazine, Issue #6 | Rapper Nipsey Hussle | Jan Brewer from Inglewood Family, Allhood Publications Magazine, Issue #1 | History of Athens Park Bloods, Allhood Publications Magazine, Issue #2 | Grape Street Crips & Bounty Hunters, AS IS Magazine, Issue #1 Freeway Rick Ross | Kay Slay, Allhood Publications Magazine, Issue #3 The History of Neighborhood Bloods, AS IS Magazine, Issue #3 The Black Gangster: Larry Hoover, Stanley Tookie Williams, Fluckey Stokes, AS IS Magazine Issue #5 | Former Bank Robbery Chazz Williams | Curtis Scoon, AS IS Magazine, Issue #6 Flukey Stokes | Rick Ross |, AS IS Magazine, Issue #8 The Wayne Perry Story, AS IS Magazine, Issue #10 | Cocaine dealer Pablo Escobar | Paul Wall, Don Diva Magazine, Issue #22 | Harlems Jim Jones | Flukey Stokes Story, Don Diva Magazine, Issue #23 | Kevin Liles | Rapper Maino, after 10 years in prison, Don Diva Magazine, Issue #24 Irv Gotti Not Guilty, Don Diva Magazine, Issue #25 | Kevin Liles | Witness or Snitch |, Don Diva Magazine, Issue #26 | FBI declares Mara Salvatrucha (MS) most dangerous | Rick Ross the Boss, Don Diva Magazine, Issue #27 | Blood Diamonds | Young Jeezy | Making of, Don Diva Magazine, Issue #28 | Weed Guideline | Jamie Hector interview, Don Diva Magazine, Issue #29 | Fabolous Shot | Oaklands Young Don: Darryl little D Reed | Young Buck: beef with G Unit, Don Diva Magazine, Issue #30 | Wayne Perry, Washington DCs most violent killer | Kenneth Supreme McGriff | Mike Fray Salters, Don Diva Magazine, Issue #31 Bumpy Johnson, Barry Reese, Don Diva Magazine, Issue #35 Big Meech | BMF | Jim Jones, F.E.D.S Magazine, Issue #5 Tupac Shakur, F.E.D.S Magazine, Issue #7 Terrance Gangster Williams, F.E.D.S Magazine, Issue #8 Michael Harry O Harris. Out Huey P. newtons gun Club From. ck ENEMY HARBORxLOMAS 90717, VARRIO.EASTSIDE.TORRANXE GANG FUXK SHITTY AND SHITTY CKRABS FUCKING NIGGERSK THIS HCK HCCK TXFK 2BYSK LXRK DCCK CK , Fucking net banging ass foos . The rest moved away, You mean the rest were killed by other Niggers. u spics/spooks aint ish compared 2 REAL GANGST3RSSSSSSSSSSSSS. Vc13K East Side Crips Raymond Lee Washington Gangster Crips Westside Crips Stanley "Tookie" Williams Neighbor Hood Crips 4 Seas Alhambra Locos [defunct] Brick City Boys [defunct] East Side White Fence [defunct] 18th Street, Westside [defunct] Hell Side Gang (HSG) Ken Side Wah . LMAO, FUcK HCCRABS THIS IS BIG BAD EVIL SIDE TRAMP GANG BLASTING ON YOU NIGGERSK HXCK IS THE ONLY SET IN THE HXA TO CKLICK UP WITH NIGGERSK FUCKING LAME ASS SHITTYSK, lame ass beaner called himself a tramps haha fucking dumb ass retard wetback weak ass cheese side trampsK fuck wetbacks and they roach ass kids and they ho ass mommas fucking scrapsK, nah bitch this aint the hxaK this HARBORXCITY GET IT RIGHT, fuck heather gardens all the crips and bloods need to come together samoans blacks whoever exterminate the sureinas, east side tyrannyK Spain slave=no page haha, Injunction Issued Against 2 Gangs in Harbor City, Operation Pirate Town nets more than 70 suspected gang members in Harbor area. Theyre like Gardena, HC13 and HC Crips keep it cool af with each other cause they rep the same city, Nacho is a diss to Rancho San Pedro, the Harbor City Crips are cliqed up with the Dodge City Crips out of San Pedro. black soildiers?? jeff zalaznick wedding lake compounce swap meet 2022 is too short a blood or crip. yo money c wut whappens u smoke crack and color jazzy fantasieS, Some black people are alright lol its the guys that get on my nerves f ish cityk crabsk, I I dont likeS WIT MY HARBOR CITY CRIP guyS I WAS IN DA PENTA WIT smart CUZZ 2 HARBOR CLOAT 2 AND MOON DIS STILL My friend stays right there at 257th and Presidents Way, I see a bunch of apartments ALL down that street. I said whats up to all the homies for harbor city,. 200 BLOKK, ALLEY GANG I dont like U WET BACC HAT DANCER 13K PK BK EBK, f YOU guy STOP FRONTING YOU CRABSK KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS BEEN STICKING YOU FOOLS WHEN YOU GET OUT OF LINE WE RUN HARBORXCITY HCCK DCCK CK ESWK WSWK HXLK ESTK. Them homies is puertoricans and salvadorans not wetsK from mexicoK hc13 kAAA, Damn shady2 you a straight chick huh them DCC got your blank on straight check over the internet i can only imagine how they have you on 255th your most likely on your knees sucking on there d#$ks HAHAHA, hahah yall parasite blank guy coons get dropped and run in packs like scavenger blank homeless welfare puppy dog. This product is not for use by or sale to persons under the age of 18 or 21 depending on the laws of your governing state or territory. HCC/DCC are not racist gangs. There's two gangs gangs located in these areas, the well known African American gang "harbor city crips" and the smaller hispanic gang "harbor city boys". Press J to jump to the feed. HCCG. Lol Ona Set yall Foos is Lames ahahaha if you aint wit dis HCC nd DCC movement den you aint ish aha dis HARBOR Stuuupiiiiid! tcgK You cant even spell ur own hood right.learn how to spell right you fuckin bitch. GO OUT THERE AND RUN YOUR MOUTH AND PROVE WHAT YOU CLAIM. VPC/K Ghetto Anger Notorious Gangstas DVD, Crippin The History of the West Coast Crips DVD, Superfly: The True, Untold Story of Frank Lucas DVD, Gangsta Chronicles: Documentary of Calvin Klien Bacote DVD, Infamous Times The Original 50 Cent DVD, Donnies Story The Life of Donald Goines DVD, AS IS Presents The Larry Hoover Story DVD, L.A. Street Life Vol. Come and get us motherfuckers . ok what the fuck is maricon is that a secret word for nigger? However, on the other hand, there are SOME Black women who have sex with White men or Hispanics because they hate Niggers and think they are animals and treat them very badly, especially the more educated higher class Black Women. The task force . Dodge City main enemy is Rancho, So the Harbors war tough with the Ranchos because of the cliq up, my peoples lived in san pedro my cousin from dodge city most of the dc moved out i lost a cousin to the ranchos over a female RIP Mervin, They have a yuge Kaiser Permanente complex in their city that got their back so they dont die easily, It helps to clique up with those KP locs, big hospital gang, diseaseK, allat sht. KNOWS YOU GUYS ARE chickES FOR GETTING RAN OUT YOUR OWN HOOD. f*** the rest of the hoods, og, smiley 256st. Cookie Notice The Harbor City Rifas, originated around the Harbor Village projects, formerly known as the NormontTerrence Housing Projects. Kids dont have shit on lock they scared of the security guard that village is wide open stop making shit up its harmless them 5 little boys not no real niggs, YO YOO YOO MAN NOT ALL MEXICAN HISPANIC ARE RACIEST REMEMBER SOME CRIP SETS HAVE A FEW HISPANIC MEXICANS IN THEIR HOOD DONT BE PUTTING ALL MEXICANS AS RACIEST CUZH IM MEXICAN I REALLY GET ALONG WTH CRIP NIGGAZ FRM CPT LIKE HOMEBOYS FRM NUTTY BLOC N FRONT HOOD JS CUS A GAME CALLED 204 SAYS FUC N DONT MEAN ALL OF ATLEAST IM NOT RACIEST IM COO WT ALL CRIPS N CPT CRIP NIGGAS I EVEN REP CRIP BUT IM NOT IN A SET I JS GOT MAD LOVE FOR MY COMPTON CRIP NIGGAHZ IM DONE SPEAKING, que llueva dejar que gotee matar una causa de la sangre que estoy reclamando crip, parasite niggers, nigger ROACHES. on welfare too fkn parasite coons, I know ur a guy behind that screen chick boy. prove it. Your Penises on the north, and Anaheim St. on the south. BLOOD YOU TRIPPIN, THEM USOS FROM WSxcHRxBGx253rdSt RUNNIN 253rd, STUDY YO MAP AND STAY IN YO LANE BLOOD! ANYBODY COULD BE ANYBODY ON THW INTERNET. Source: The Harbor City, Los Angeles, CA crime data displayed above is derived from the FBI's uniform crime reports for the year of 2020. cEE MUTHA fIN KAY You smart uneducated guys go get off the couch and find a fing job you goddamn welfare collecting sickle cell bastards same goes for you frijole fing mexicants go hop a wall or something for fs sake, gangbanging is for fing guys and spics! Fucc witK tHa setK, getK laid outK like tHa restK! AND VERMONT. now, come into the barrio and meet my little friend you wants to butt fuck you. Remarkable-Coat5743 7 mo. Dcc letting bitxh ass rsp fk their hoes, fkn bitch ass rankers dcc. ! lil shady got put in his place kept quiet like a little chick City movement kept pushing forward put those tacosK and popusasK eating wetsK in there place Ccrripp. Three Harbor City Crips gang members face murder charges in the 2014 slaying of former Narbonne High School basketball standout Shailo Leafa, whose picture on a billboard begging for justice overlooked a South Bay intersection for several months, police said Wednesday. No wonder they recognition they punk ass mexican wetback roaches 2by4K, Harbor city chumps should come to harbor city sometimes they are non factors in the area same goes for Dodge city. The Harbor City Cripsare allies of the Dodge City Crips, located in the city of San Pedro. HOMEBOY SOUTH SIDE LOCOS f DIRUSK you chickes are Unactive. Wats up fool, this is og smiley 256st nls HXC.. niggas that aint never been thru 252-261st got all the answers huh. MADASSWESTkSIDEHARBkORxCITkYGANGxORIGINAL252STkCR1Pk OBkTkGs BkTkGs BkABkYTkINYGANGSTkASCR1P CRSNFTBLOODSkxCRSNWSPIRUk187 GAPk SDPk CVPk SPPk CPPk KPPk WFPk ESPxGTBk ESTk TxFk 204k LxRk CxTk WSWk ESWk NSWk RSPxLxPxPWLsk HxLk L13k ESxWSxNSLONGOk 14BCRIPk DCGBk SPYCk ICGkxBICGk 1xk 13k OHC252CxHC25461CxDCC vHxCr RESPkECTk ADN LOVE TO MY 76ECC NIGGAS FUCC ALL ENEMYk PLAYBkALL, Harbor city crip is a big non factor the hood is weak.niggas from other citys got to handle yall hood issues. Man shut that ish up real Talk u just a botch Its HC its not black and mexican its just HC period just like the projdct lil Waniac Nhas aint offical yall just want to comment come to the hood and reallyvmeet me on mairgold chick blank Nhas LIL WANIAC HARBKOR CITKY CRIP GANG 254injunction BABY TINY GANGSTA, You know what if hxc13 is to scared to say it then Im going to say it f guyS and f CRABS its time to start a new barrio that aint scared of the blacks because hxc13 just aint doing it my parents are from EL SALVADOR but I got alot friends from Mexico Guatemala and Honduras and you know what were all tired of this ish were taking harbor city back so f hccK dccK guysK something new is coming out 256th LOCOS13. Re: Harbor City Crips. Anti-Gang Section. Which, they share with the Harbor City Crips, an African-American street gang, who mainly feud with Latino gangs in Wilmington, Torrance and San Pedro, California. Fuck hostess cakes .hot cakes.ham & cheese Fuck the shit Fuck yall niggers fucking crabs Fuck the shitty boys too Fuck yall dead homies and Fuck yo mommas. The young men had gone to the Sahara Hookah Lounge. UNDERSTAND? rocco is a troll internet banger bitch , you see his post on all the pages.. PANCAKES NACHOES TXF(csb) ESXT Top. VHCR13 BLS 252 DOWN TO 255 MARIGOLD AVE . Leafas mother said detectives recently told them they had received information and were working on a strong case. lol you proved how stupid and retarded you are. LmHCaoo were da chickes at??? Other gangs that allegedly moved weight include East Side Wilmas, North Side Wilmas, Harbor City Crips, Compton Avenue Crips, Fruit Town Piru, El Monte Flores and Primera Flats, the feds said. in North East Los Angeles, Lincoln Heights (LHTS) gang in Northeast Los Angeles, California, Lowell Street Locos | Northeast Los Angeles, Temple Street 52nd Tokers South Los Angeles, Varrio Junior Mafia (107th Street) in South Los Angeles, Clanton 14th Street East Side The Original Hood, Hickory Street Watts | Varrio Hickory Street, Varrio Junior Mafia near Imperial Highway, Barrio Small Town Long Beach, California, Mid City Stoners Long Beach, California, 23rd Street Trefts Long Beach, California, The City of Bell, California Hispanic gangs, Hacienda Heights, California Hispanic gangs, Santa Clarita, California Hispanic gangs, Redondo Beach, California Hispanic Gangs, Santa Fe Springs, California Hispanic Gangs, Santa Monica, California Hispanic Gangs, Varrio Choppers 12 Midnight East LA / City of Commerce, Varrio Eastside King Kobras in East Los Angeles, West Rancho Dominguez (formerly Athens) -Unincorporated Los Angeles, Florence (Unincorporated Los Angeles County), Varrio Lennox (LNX) in Unincorporated Los Angeles County, Bell Gardens, California Hispanic gangs, Canyon Country, California Hispanic gangs, City of Commerce, California Hispanic gangs, Choppers 12 in the City of Commerce (Bandini Side), City of Industry, California Hispanic gangs, Hawaiian Gardens, California Hispanic Gangs, Huntington Park, California Hispanic street gangs, Freddie Fuiavas opening brief, death penalty appeal, Freddy Fuivas Oct 31, 2011 supplemental brief, Monterey Park, California Hispanic Gangs, Westmont (Unincorporated), South Los Angeles, 99 Evil Klan (EK) in Westmont (Unincorporated LA County), Night Crawlers (NC) in Westmont (South Los Angeles), South Side Locos in Westmont, South Los Angeles, Baldwin Park, California Hispanic gangs, Street gangs in San Francisco, California, Eastside Four Deuce Gangster Crips (42 GC), Four Tray Gangster Crips (43 GC), Eastside LA, Grape Street Watts Crips South Los Angeles | Jordan Downs | Baby Locos, Home Boys Crimino Gang in the West LA area, 65 Menlo Gangster Crips in South Los Angeles, Venice ShoreLine Crips in West Los Angeles in Oakwood Community, 46 Neighbor Hood Crips (46 NHC of South LA), NeighborHood Rollin 50s Crips, 55, 57 & 58 in South Los Angeles, California, 67 NeighborHood Crips in South Los Angeles, Rollin 30s Original Harlem Crips | OHC | Rollin 30s, Rollin 40s Neighborhood Crips | RFCG | NH R. 40s Crips, Rollin 60s NeighborHood Crips in Los Angeles, California Hyde Park area, Richard Lloyd Boo Roc 2 Brewer Jr., RIP, Earl Dog, aka Lil Looney, aka Ripper, RIP, RIP Crafty 3, Antonio Riley ( Aug. 27,2013), Shady Huc aka Hucc-A-Bucc 5, RIP ( 2013), 90s Westcoast Crips in South Los Angeles, California, Crip gangs in the Mid City / Town of Los Angeles, Crip Gangs on the Westside of South Los Angeles, Crips gangs on Eastside of South Los Angeles, Crip Gangs in the West Los Angeles section of LA, Top Dolla Hustler Crip, 46 (TDHC) of South Los Angeles, Four Pacc Crips car alliance (42, 43 & 48), Original Westside Crips of South Los Angeles, 73 (Seven Tray) Gangster Crips (Eastside), The Original East Side Crips by Raymond Washington, Altadena Blocc Crip (ABC) in Altadena, California, Crip Gangs in West Athens, Unincorporated Los Angeles County, 111 Neighbor Hood Crips in South Los Angeles. 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